Flowing Water

Wonderful to have the snow melted enough to easily see our creek. The ground is still very wet and the creek has been flowing for just about 3 months straight.

Garden Party

In the warm months, Ashtar often invites me to a garden party. He did so last night, I chuckled at his sense of humor!

Happy & Merry

Happy Birthday Sananda! I will do my best to keep the merry going. I love you so so much!

Hello Deer

I often talk with the deer. I saw this beauty and said, “Hi, Deer.”  She replied, “Hi, Dear.”

Sending love,



“I Am the Life and the Resurrection.”

Thank you Sananda for coming to this planet. Thank you for all you have done, will do and are. I love you so so much.


This sunflower popped up in our driveway.

I have been running behind lately, falling short of things I want to accomplish. So I started beating myself up with my internal voice… “You didn’t do this, you didn’t do that.” Then I heard my Spiritual teachers say, “Do not be hard on Self.” Whew! I substituted the hard talk and put in kindness. Feeling much better!

Memorial Day

Thank you to the Spiritual Warriors that have brought Light to this planet. Thank you also for all those that are and will continue to do so. As always, love is all there is.

– Kate and P'taah too



As I was putting away our Christmas ornaments, I was talking with Sananda, telling him I was a bit sad the season was over. He replied, “Keep the Merry going.” 

Wishing you all a bright and bold New Year!


We are all One. We are all, at our own level, on the Road to Shambala.